Sunday, January 9, 2011

...the Year of the Lotus

2011 is my "Year of the Lotus." I named it because this is an important year. Let's just start at the beginning-Day One, January 1. On Day One I finished my first short story written with intent to publish. I submitted the story on January 1 to a competition in a well known and highly renowned short story journal. Whether or not I win is not important. Whether or not I get published is not important. It would be nice-amazing-if I did, but it is not what counts. What is important is that I submitted it. I took a risk and put my name out there. I am getting someone to read my story, someone who didn't know my name before. I took a piece of my soul, my imagination, and put it out in the universe. Step One, complete, on Day One. What a way to start the year. This year is my year to take risks, to open the Lotus.

This is my year to push myself farther than I've ever gone before, do things I never did before, explore parts of my mind and imagination I didn't even know I had. I've opened my ears to the voice of the universe, and I'm ready to take the year and make it mine. It's like I've been walking through a vast labyrinth of dark tunnels up until this point with no end in sight. But then, one day a few years ago, I decided to go left when my brain was telling me to go right. I walked and walked, and suddenly I felt the tiniest whisper of a breeze that led me through 2010. On January 1, 2011, I saw sunlight. One bright golden ray, peering through a crack in the rocks, urging me onward. The ray of light is always there. I can't touch it, but I see it. I feel it. I know it's with me. I carry my closed Lotus flower in my pocket, nourishing it with only the energy from my persistence. I know the Lotus will blossom if I don't give up, because I know I will make it out of the tunnels if I keep walking, if I just keep following the ray of sunlight.

And so, onward I travel, seeking what I know I'm meant to find.

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